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Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:04 AM
I believe you two should become acquainted with one another properly. You'll be working together, after all.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:04 AM
... two?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:06 AM
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:07 AM
wait... your display name... ... so it was you this whole time?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:09 AM
Caught red-handed I suppose. (edited)
3:10 AM
But ... that doesn't matter now.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:10 AM
I guess they were right about me being more cautious lol
3:10 AM
So, who's this other person you have in your mitts?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:11 AM
I'll allow them to introduce themselves when they're ready. I don't want to seem pushy... Being newly awakened isn't quite the easiest experience. As you would know.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:13 AM
Oh? Hana? I didn't expect to hear from you so soon.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:13 AM
3:13 AM
I guess this goes to show that I shouldn't have trusted ANY strangers in the chatroom...
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:14 AM
Oh, hush...~ This is all for a good cause after all... no? The end of those nightmares.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:14 AM
... Yeah.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:15 AM
How are you holding up Hana? I'd heard you'd been taken. Nao-san and the others were planning on launching a rescue mission.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:17 AM
I... guess you could say that... I don't know what I'm allowed to say...
3:17 AM
But I am stuck in this other world. Funny that this would be the only place I can talk in while I'm here. I'm guessing it's this guy's doing.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:19 AM
"This guy."....
3:19 AM
How you wound me Hanamura-kun....
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:19 AM
What do you want me to even call you?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:21 AM
Hmmm~... What are the parameters here? What can I impose...?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:22 AM
I don't know, anything I guess?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:24 AM
...Something tells me, even in it's shortened state. My name would be 'too long for you to remember'...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:25 AM
3:25 AM
I'll just call you Naru then
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:25 AM
...Are you really comfortable with that...?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:25 AM
Oh my, Hana, did you never study your Japanese mythology? The teacher in me almost wants to scold you.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:25 AM
I did! I just slept through High School a lot
3:26 AM
And I never took it in college...
3:26 AM
Ok you're allowed to scold me
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:26 AM
Didn't you... Also fall asleep during the lecture at Gekkoukan?
3:26 AM
Specifically about. Well. You know.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:26 AM
How could -- ugh whatever
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:26 AM
... Haha. Ha ..
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:26 AM
Yes I did. I was tired and learning made me more tired
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:27 AM
Very well...
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:27 AM
You were at Gekkoukan? For how long?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:27 AM
Just for a school vacation. It wasn't much fun, really. We just went to another school to learn and then our teachers accidentally put us in a love hotel.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:27 AM
Oh my!
3:28 AM
I may actually know the one you mean, though I never went there myself of course.
3:28 AM
I used to attend Gekkoukan when I was younger!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:28 AM
I see... small world I guess...
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:29 AM
Maybe that's why you ended up in the main chat to begin with...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:29 AM
Sorry, it's kinda weird talking so casually, considering where I am... and Naru being who he is
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:30 AM
That's understandable, I'm actually just relieved that you're okay! I'm certain the others will enact a speedy rescue and get you out of there as quick as can be!
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:32 AM
You seem really okay with all of this... even though Naru is the one that took me?
3:33 AM
He's been lying this whole time, and he turns out to be... what was it, Kagutsaka or something
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:33 AM
'Kagutsaka'... You almost got it, there...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:33 AM
Kagu for short, then (edited)
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:34 AM
...I don't think I want you doing that, Hana-chan...
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:34 AM
Kagu-san is the one that took you? That seems strange, he saved my life when I was trapped in there.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:35 AM
He hasn't told you, then? How he tried to destroy our town when I was a kid, how he's the cause of the nightmares and the people dying?
3:35 AM
I figured he grabbed you on some agreement like he did me
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:36 AM
Perhaps I haven't been fully transparent with you, Hasegawa... I do promise you this though. You will see her again.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:37 AM
Did he take someone from you, BW...?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:38 AM
No, I lost someone long ago, and I believe all of this "other world" nonsense is the cause.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:38 AM
...You didn't need to hear it from me stuck in that world. That I was.. something to be feared. Your resolve would not have flourished this way.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:38 AM
But I'm confused, what is actually going on here?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:39 AM
The only reason I'm "working" for him is because he threatened me. And it looks like he has something to offer you too.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:39 AM
"Threatened"? I'd call it more of a nudge... Though maybe I should watch my tongue...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:40 AM
3:40 AM
I'll try leaving on my own, but for now I'm gonna rest in this building I found I guess talking here is better than sitting and waiting
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:41 AM
Please stay safe, Hana. I'm certain the others would be devastated if anything else happened to you.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:41 AM
You're perfectly safe... with my gift. Infact... I'd imagine they'll listen to you...
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:42 AM
I'm still rather confused, what of Nyx and Erebus? Were those names you made up to frighten me?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:42 AM
... I see... I guess I'll get some shut eye then.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:43 AM
Oh, no~... haha.. they're very much real beings.
3:43 AM
Nyx of course is a threat to mankind. As is Erebus.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:43 AM
I see.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:44 AM
Though I may hold domain here... I see the initial lie as more of.. a jump-start. Your persona will continue to be of great use. (edited)
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:44 AM
Persona? Do you have one?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:45 AM
I suppose the secret is out then.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:45 AM
I see... I wish we could have met on better terms (edited)
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:46 AM
Yes, Kagutsuchi gifted me the power to explore the other world, and I intend to uncover it's secrets.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:46 AM
And you are very much free to do so.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:46 AM
On the contrary, these terms could still be good. Perhaps we can make the most of the situation together, Hana
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:46 AM
Yeah... probably.
3:46 AM
We should try.
3:47 AM
I don't think you're a bad person.
3:47 AM
Then again, I didn't think "Naru" was either
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:48 AM
I am trying to save people, a dear friend included. Those are my intentions, up front, and that is my promise.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:48 AM
Same here.
3:49 AM
I'm sure "Kagutsuchi" knows that
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:49 AM
The quotes? Oh, you really intend to make this partnership my burden... humm?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:50 AM
You knew we're not bad people going into this (edited)
3:51 AM
I'm going to try and rest my eyes a bit... I guess I'll figure things out later
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:51 AM
I would say it's incorrect to label humans as "good or bad.".... Simply people who do 'good' or 'bad' things...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:51 AM
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 3:52 AM
Yes, I'm sure you're awfully tired from your ordeal. Do try and rest, as I said, quite a few individuals from the main chat are on their way. Please stay safe until they arrive.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 3:53 AM
Thanks... I will
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:55 AM
Rest well.
3:59 AM
I hope you do as well... Hasegawa... I know this has been a lot to take in. But... I believe you know your only choice of action here.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 4:00 AM
I had a feeling. I still have some preparations to do for my investigation anyway. I hadn't expected to be embarking so soon.
4:00 AM
I suppose we'll talk again later.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 4:01 AM
We will indeed... Though I reccomend steering clear of the search party... I suppose I should show you how the place is structured.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 4:03 AM
That would be appreciated. I will make a note of it.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 3:35 PM
Phlegethon is.. quite unique in it's structure. It would be inconvenient if either of you would lose your way. Haha.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:03 PM
Maybe I need that search party after all
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 7:09 PM
7:13 PM
... I assumed you'd want to find them, anyway. No? Leaving here without you wouldn't quell their worries... (edited)
7:13 PM
But.... My interest is piqued. What makes you say that?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:16 PM
Oh, just I woke up covered in shadows Which is terrifying They didn't do anything but still And also I have no idea where I'm going
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 7:19 PM
Someone in the main chat mentioned some sort of navigation app. Would it be possible to use something like that to find your way out?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 7:21 PM
Navigation through the app must be performed further out than Hanamura is currently.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:21 PM
Of course
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 7:21 PM
I see, that's unfortunate.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:21 PM
I'll just keep going in one direction until I find something of note
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 7:23 PM
7:25 PM
I doubt you want any aid in finding your way...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:27 PM
Well, it's probably better if I look pretty lost for the search party
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 7:27 PM
7:32 PM
Alas, the Junes prince wanders the barren wastes~....
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:34 PM
I don't even work at Junes anymore. Can't you come up with something more original?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 7:36 PM
I likely could... But something tells me you wouldn't like it.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:36 PM
Just give it to me
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 7:44 PM
Hmmm~... ruler of the trash..? . ... I know you had quite the habit of falling into garbage cans while in Inaba. :) (edited)
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:44 PM
Again, that was such a long time ago...
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 7:44 PM
...No, no. I believe your title will be The Martyr Prince. Fitting ... Wouldn't you say?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 7:45 PM
... sure. You can call me Prince for short
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 7:45 PM
... Very well.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 8:50 PM
It seems they're mobilising.
8:51 PM
I'm sure you'll perform well.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/22/2022 8:52 PM
I suppose that's my cue as well. I'm certain this can be a valuable learning experience.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 8:57 PM
I'm assuming my performance is to just... pretend nothing happened
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 8:58 PM
Haha. For now~ .... I suppose so. But knowing how you like to run that mouth of yours. It may prove to be more challenging than you'd expect.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 8:58 PM
8:58 PM
I can keep secrets too
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 8:59 PM
Ah ... Another thing. I can't assure their safety within Phlegethon. I hope you realise that. At least...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/22/2022 8:59 PM
They're strong enough to handle themselves
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/22/2022 8:59 PM
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:45 AM
I do hope you haven't ran into too much trouble.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/23/2022 10:46 AM
I've been walking for what feels like several hours, so I guess you could say that
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:48 AM
I just wanted to be sure~. The Shadow selves in the 3rd sanctum can be quite... finicky. I assume you have not had the unfortunate experience of seeing one.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/23/2022 10:49 AM
Shadow selves...?
10:49 AM
Oh... Great
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:51 AM
It would be more accurate to call these shadows... Born of cognition alone. Manifestations of their host's distorted desires. (edited)
10:52 AM
Somewhat different to what you're used to.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/23/2022 10:54 AM
I see... I guess I won't ask the details As long as they don't kill me
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:55 AM
I wouldn't allow for that to happen~
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/23/2022 10:55 AM
I guess if you wanted to kill me you would have done it already
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:58 AM
. . .
11:01 AM
Scathing as ever, Prince.
11:07 AM
....Oh..? ....
11:07 AM
Well.... Things just got a lot more interesting.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/23/2022 11:18 AM
In what way?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 11:40 AM
...You'll see for yourself very soon.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 9:59 PM
Hasegawa... We'll need to assign a codename to you as well. No?
10:00 PM
Do you have anything in mind~?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/23/2022 10:10 PM
I suppose you're right, "Bookworm" isn't very suited to this situation.
10:11 PM
Perhaps Scribe? I do teach literature.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:11 PM
Very well.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/23/2022 10:14 PM
So you assign one to me and let her choose? I see how it is (edited)
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:16 PM
I will be accompanying you for your first missions... In that time, and any time after I will be there with you, I shall be referred to as Compère.
10:17 PM
It's not personal, Prince. Or.. perhaps it is.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 3/23/2022 10:17 PM
Compère, huh Fine
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:22 PM
Haha. Sincerest apologies... I don't believe I can just give orders and just... sit back and watch. At least. Not yet.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/23/2022 10:25 PM
I can understand that at least.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:25 PM
I'm glad you see it my way.
10:32 PM
... If my assistance is needed in exploration, Scribe... Do feel free to let me know.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/23/2022 10:32 PM
I appreciate the offer. For now, I think I should be okay, but I'll be certain to keep that in mind.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/23/2022 10:43 PM
I would advise caution, either way... while normal shadows may now appear docile to you both... Shadow selves are not so easily willed into submission.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/23/2022 10:44 PM
Understood. Thank you for the warning, Kagutsuchi.
Emily eats TWO lemons 10/16/2022 10:27 AM
...things continue to get more and more interesting by the passing day...~ are you both ready to play your role in all of this?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 10/16/2022 1:38 PM
I guess, since we have no choice
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 10/16/2022 3:39 PM
Yes, I suppose if we must be at your beck and call, then I am as ready as I can be.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/4/2022 7:46 PM
And thus, further exploration begins for them. How did your encounter fare, Scribe?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 7:46 PM
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/4/2022 7:49 PM
Indeed, I came across a member of the chatroom in my travels. It was benign enough, though I get the sense that there was much he didn't share.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 7:50 PM
Do you know who it was?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/4/2022 7:50 PM
He introduced himself as Viper, so I presume it's the very same newcomer.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 7:52 PM
Viper... I don't know anyone by that. So he's definitely not a PT. I wonder if we works for Kirijo-san?
7:53 PM
I know that they've adopted code names too, but I was too busy with other things to really be on that force.
7:53 PM
I could ask my partner ig
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/4/2022 7:54 PM
It's quite possible. Unfortunately, all I can offer in way of description is the codename and that it was an adult male. These strange outfits are a blessing for our anonymity, but make gathering information extremely difficult.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 7:56 PM
Ofc, I can imagine. I also don't know if our overlord should know their identity either lol
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/4/2022 7:56 PM
How dramatic.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 7:57 PM
You love drama. You literally have me dressed in a stage costume.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/4/2022 7:59 PM
I can't say I'm not a fan~.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 8:00 PM
I can always text you BW if I find out more
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/4/2022 8:01 PM
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/4/2022 8:04 PM
I would appreciate it. I'm well aware that I am the least connected member of the chatroom currently, and while I would like to trust that I'm in good hands with most of them, discretion is the better part of valor as they say.
8:04 PM
Of course, this extends both ways. I will do my best to update you with my findings as well.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 8:06 PM
I can definitely say that my partner and I won't lie to you, but I know that can be hard to trust still.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/4/2022 8:07 PM
As I see it, the two of us have little reason to throw each other to the wolves, so-to-speak, and if you are that confident in your partner, then I will extend my trust to him as well.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 8:08 PM
Thanks BW
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/4/2022 8:10 PM
Alas, the blackmail and lies were naught but an act of desperation... My approach on things has changed since the start of it all.. A more put together mind, if you will. I am to make a spectacle of my goals. That is the case. Though I still aim to uphold my end of the deal... Especially so to you, Scribe.. As I do remember- what it is you wish for.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/4/2022 8:13 PM
I should hope you haven't forgotten already.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/4/2022 8:14 PM
I still don't trust you, and you definitely aren't giving me reason to
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/4/2022 8:16 PM
I'm not asking for forgiveness or trust~ I could never expect such things after all of this.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/4/2022 8:29 PM
A surprisingly humble statement, I must say.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/8/2022 3:01 AM
A fine line you walk, Scribe~... You're both lucky I find this mildly amusing.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2022 3:01 AM
I didn't want to suddenly act like someone I wasn't
3:02 AM
It would have been out of character for me to agree to share information
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/8/2022 3:02 AM
...This isn't about that.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2022 3:03 AM
Fine, sorry for making assumptions
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/8/2022 3:03 AM
Yes, it was wise to back out when you did. Don't worry about trying to make me seem innocent. People are already suspicious of you, and it will only raise questions if you continuously come to my defense.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2022 3:05 AM
That's fair. I guess next time I'll keep my mouth shut
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/8/2022 3:06 AM
By all means, continue to speak, just please don't hesitate to disagree with me.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2022 3:14 AM
That's true, it would make it seem less suspicious if I didn't drag you into everything. To be fair, you're the only "normal" person besides Watanabe I could think to reference
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/8/2022 3:15 AM
It's true, I'm quite the outlier in the chatroom it seems. Now more than ever, what with your idol friend gaining her power.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/8/2022 3:18 AM
If we must stage an awakening, so be it. Though... if you wish to continue as you are. I suppose I will respect it.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/8/2022 3:19 AM
I'm perfectly fine with maintaining as I am for now. No one has to know that "Bookworm" and "Scribe" are the same person just yet.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2022 3:20 AM
You saw that? I'm not surprised, I guess I didn't expect you to tell me. But either way, it is best to say you're not a persona user and to stay anonymous. Not from me, ofc.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/8/2022 3:25 AM
I'm about three or four steps ahead of you in that regard. Secrecy is my greatest asset at the moment.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2022 3:26 AM
I guess I'll leave that to you. I'll try to be more secretive on my end
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/8/2022 3:29 AM
I know I said it in the chatroom already, but please try not to stress yourself out too much. I really do mean that. Your decisions will only be made worse if you're in a compromised state.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2022 3:29 AM
... You're right. I'll try to... Play it cool. Thank you, Scribe.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/8/2022 3:30 AM
Any time. And please, feel free to contact me if you ever need a sympathetic ear.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/8/2022 3:31 AM
Thank you
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2022 7:11 PM
To be fair... This would be a great way to clear your name, Kagutsuchi. You're pretty suspicious, being related to no one.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/12/2022 7:14 PM
Mm. I figured as such. It's why I agreed.
7:16 PM
Though I must ask. Do you think me to be a fool...?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2022 7:18 PM
No? Why do you think I'd think that?
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/12/2022 7:19 PM
Call it a hunch.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2022 7:20 PM
To be fair, I remember our contract. As long as I don't tell anyone, then we're fine, right?
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/12/2022 7:21 PM
7:21 PM
That is true.
7:23 PM
Haha....! I suppose I can appreciate the attempts to decieve a god. ...Perhaps you're more fit for this role than I had previously thought.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2022 7:24 PM
Deceive? I don't think I'm smart enough for that, but thanks for the compliment.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/12/2022 7:27 PM
You undersell yourself~... (likely on purpose.) You were the driving force of the investigation team's formation, after all.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2022 7:28 PM
Hmmm... I guess. I just had a passion for it. For stopping the slaughtering of my friends. I still have that passion.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/12/2022 7:35 PM
I see.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2022 7:36 PM
I don't want to be antagonistic. So, I'll continue to try and be chipper for my friends. (edited)
7:37 PM
I'll act for you, like nothing is wrong. Alright?
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/12/2022 7:38 PM
Though your acting could you some work, dear prince. Very well. ...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/12/2022 7:39 PM
I'm working on it, I'm working on it...
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/14/2022 3:04 AM
...Know that you are able to shape the inner sactums of this world, with that power I have given you. When you are both available. I wish to show you the full extent of your influence here.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/14/2022 4:31 AM
I guess I can find some time soon.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/14/2022 2:49 PM
I can also make time. Let me know when would be most convenient.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:32 AM
I'm sorry to say, there are people on my tracks, and if I'm not careful they might find out what's going on. They're stubborn, and I'm not a good liar.
2:32 AM
Scribe, do you have any advice?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:33 AM
2:33 AM
This certainly seems to be quite the pickle
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:33 AM
I'm sorry. I tried to keep it up, but it seems they've been asking around behind my back.
2:34 AM
Maybe we need to get started on what Kagu wanted... At least, to get them off the trail.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:34 AM
I would imagine they were investigating because they're worried about you
2:35 AM
But yes, perhaps doing some work would help to move suspicion away from you.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:36 AM
Maybe I should come up with a lie, saying that the reason I've been so down is due to something? I can pass it off as fact, but coming up with the lie is the hard part.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:36 AM
That could also be it. Perhaps something work related?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:37 AM
I work at a daycare... I can just say maybe it's getting in the way of my desired career.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:38 AM
Indeed, between the actual responsibilities of childcare and your crisis of career, it could be quite convincing.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:39 AM
I'll try to sell it to my partner tomorrow, maybe at the birthday party we're going to.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:40 AM
It may have to be something more serious than just the basics. Perhaps that your indecision is causing your performance to drop and there are talks about letting you go? That seems severe enough to warrant hiding.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:42 AM
Oh, yeah... If I didn't want to let them know I was about to be unemployed, that could work. I can be pretty proud.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:42 AM
Then it sounds like we've reached a potential solution.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:42 AM
But then, there's one issue... I tell my partner everything.
2:42 AM
So, why would I hide this?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:44 AM
That is another connundrum
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:45 AM
It has to be something I'm hiding...
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:46 AM
It's difficult, because over-explaining a lie can cause it to be potentially be more suspicious than if nothing was said at all. We don't want to add so many details that it seems out of the ordinary.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:52 AM
That's true. I'll think about how to word it.
2:52 AM
Thank you, Scribe.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:52 AM
2:52 AM
And if all else fails, I am not opposed to the idea of taking the fall to clear your name. They still don't know who I am after all.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:54 AM
2:55 AM
Hopefully getting the heat off of me by "sowing chaos" will be enough. (edited)
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:56 AM
We can always hope, though I am a bit concerned as to what that will entail on our part.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:57 AM
Not gonna lie: probably some terrible shit. But at this point... Maybe I'm up to it.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:57 AM
Oh? Why the sudden change in tune?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 2:59 AM
... just realizing that I need to keep the people I love safe. Nothing more.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 2:59 AM
I see.
3:00 AM
This wouldn't happen to be another lie, would it? You seem to be weaving quite the web as it is.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 3:01 AM
... well... I guess I'm pretty upset, too. I'm hoping that I can at least get some of my negative emotions out of me... Some how. I don't know if I could hurt someone. I definitely wouldn't kill them... But causing a ruckus doesn't sound bad either.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 3:02 AM
Be careful in letting your emotions run amuck. It can be all too easy to lose yourself to hatred. I would hate for you to have to bear the weight of going to far, and I'm certain you wouldn't want to face your friends after that.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 3:03 AM
... Thank you, Scribe. You're right. I need to just take a deep breath and find a healthier outlet.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 3:05 AM
Indeed. Just remember, the instant you stop seeing our actions as abhorrent, that is when you've begun to slip. Take no pleasure in what you must do, only take solace in the hope that you'll do the right thing in the long run.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 3:06 AM
Right. What about you? Do you think you'll be able to go that far?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 3:08 AM
In truth, I am unsure. I believe it will ultimately come down to what is asked of us. Once upon a time, I held the conviction that I would stop at nothing to help the ones I love. We shall see in time if that holds true I suppose.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/25/2022 3:09 AM
I think we share the same convictions, then.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/25/2022 3:09 AM
It seems we do.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/25/2022 8:48 AM
Running amok can be quite... cathartic. No?
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/26/2022 5:26 AM
I hope those convictions are strong enough to see this through.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/26/2022 5:27 AM
They are. I promise. I don't want anything to happen to the people I love.
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/28/2022 5:45 AM
The curtains, soon- shall rise. I understand all this might be somewhat difficult without an objective in mind. Thus, I come to you both with a mission in mind. Politicians- celebrities... often a corrupt sort. Becoming drunk on the power a voice gives them. There are those who have comitted atrocities- as such deserve to have the spotlight shone on them. The other world can be used to influence the human mind. What harm is there in stretching the truth to bring these distorted desires to light?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/28/2022 5:46 AM
Stretching the truth? I'm all for shining a light on these guys, but what does that mean? (edited)
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/28/2022 5:50 AM
If you're wishing to run amok- truly embrace the chaos- well. I think you know what I mean.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/28/2022 5:51 AM
I guess for now, finding a way to expose the evils of these guys works well enough...
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/28/2022 5:52 AM
Do it by any means necessary. Frame their acts in a much less kinder light.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/28/2022 5:53 AM
Frame them...?
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/28/2022 5:53 AM
Well, they deserve punishment, as is...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/28/2022 5:53 AM
I guess if they're being accused of terrible things... It has to come from somewhere.
5:54 AM
Maybe I can use this other world to do some snooping. Something that's here that can be transferred to the real world.
5:54 AM
It's a reflection similar to the TV world, right?
Emily eats TWO lemons 11/28/2022 5:56 AM
5:56 AM
That would be correct.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/28/2022 5:57 AM
I guess this is a good way to cause chaos. I'll go take a look later this evening, then. Scribe, if you're reading this, you can come with.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/28/2022 3:41 PM
Indeed, it would be prudent to embark as a team. I shall make preparations.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 12:27 PM
12:28 PM
Is Viper another one of your lackies?
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 12:28 PM
Oh, no. He isn't...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 12:28 PM
That sounds ominous
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 12:29 PM
Mm. He might complicate things, should be progress further than he has already gotten.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 12:30 PM
I see...
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 12:34 PM
...He's already on your trail, isn't he...?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 12:34 PM
12:35 PM
If he is who I think he might be... He's not an idiot. And he can be more dangerous than he lets on.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 12:36 PM
And who do you think it is?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 12:38 PM
The only one that has been involved in anything related to the other world all these years, isn't someone I'm in contact with, but is someone my partner is in contact with... It's got to be Adachi Tohru.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 12:39 PM
...Mm. there's a reason I'm somewhat wary.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 12:40 PM
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 1:02 PM
....That you know. Hm?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 1:04 PM
I do... I know what happened all those years ago. I know what he and my partner did... To you.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 1:08 PM
I know what you're thinking.
1:09 PM
I don't wish to go too far into it... after all, I would like to consider you valuable in all of this.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 1:09 PM
Right... I promise not to create issues on purpose.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 1:11 PM
1:12 PM
Haha. It's not only a matter of creating the problems. But being passive toward them.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 1:13 PM
I can't control what other people do, Kagu. If I tell them to stay away, they'll go charging in.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 1:14 PM
That may be true. But in a last resort effort, well... You will be required to do what must be done. I hope it doesn't come to that.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 1:15 PM
... I understand.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 1:25 PM
Is Adachi Tohru not someone you wish to see bent to your will?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 1:32 PM
I'm not below him. I'm not going to kill him just because I hate him.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 1:35 PM
Death is too light a sentence.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 1:43 PM
I wasn't going to suggest such a thing.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 1:43 PM
What are you going to suggest?
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/5/2022 2:05 PM
Hm... perhaps I'm being a little too extreme. Ah! Nevermind.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/5/2022 2:11 PM
... Alright
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 6:54 PM
I do hope you're both well. ...What might your plans for the holidays be?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 6:58 PM
I have nothing specific planned, likely just a quiet break.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 6:59 PM
And you, Prince?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/13/2022 7:15 PM
Unfortunately, I have a family party to go to for a week.
7:16 PM
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 7:17 PM
Ah! There's no need to apologise. Though... I'd have preferred to have been told the moment such things were planned. :) Communication , and all~
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/13/2022 7:17 PM
I see... Sorry about that. I'll let you know in the future.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:17 PM
Well it sounds fun at least!
7:17 PM
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/13/2022 7:18 PM
Thank you, Scribe. You're welcome to come if you don't have family to spend the holidays with. (edited)
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:19 PM
Oh, that's a very generous offer, but I'll have to decline. I wouldn't want to impose, or cause any confusion.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/13/2022 7:19 PM
It wouldn't be any trouble. My partner is bringing new people all the time.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:20 PM
It's probably still for the best that I refrain. Anonymity and all. Plus, it may be difficult to explain our working relationship.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/13/2022 7:20 PM
That's fair...
7:21 PM
I hope you have a good holiday either way.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:21 PM
And you as well!
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 7:22 PM
Rest. You have both earned it. Though, this is far from over.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:22 PM
Yes, you are always eager to remind us.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 7:23 PM
How you wound me. :(
7:26 PM
Alas. There is only so much you can grow accustomed to on your own. A small reminder now and then isn't so harmful, is it?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:28 PM
Indeed. Actually, that does remind me, I've been meaning to ask if you would be opposed to instructing me on the workings of that world. As one who is newer to such circumstances, I feel as though it would do me well to gain a finer understanding of what exactly it is I am capable of.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 7:31 PM
Why, I never thought you would ask~.. Very well. It is beneficial for the both of us.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:33 PM
Those were my thoughts as well.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/13/2022 7:34 PM
Just be careful, Scribe...
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:36 PM
I always am.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 7:39 PM
There's no need for such hostility.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/13/2022 7:41 PM
I'm not being hostile. I'm just telling her to be careful, jeez
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:43 PM
I appreciate the concern, but I have little reason to believe any foul fate should befall me so long as I remain aligned with the realm's ruler.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 7:43 PM
7:47 PM
Call on me, whenever you desire. And then; we may begin.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/13/2022 7:48 PM
I will make preparations soon, my schedule will be clearing up within the week which should give us plenty of time to work with.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/13/2022 7:52 PM
Wonderful. The stage awaits~! As for you, Prince. Do enjoy your break.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/13/2022 7:53 PM
Thank you. I will
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 3:00 PM
Scribe, when you get a moment, you might want to read back the chat.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/15/2022 4:06 PM
Things certainly are getting around, aren't they?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 4:06 PM
I can't say I'm surprised you tricked us, but I definitely feel like an ass falling for it.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/15/2022 4:08 PM
:( Oh, I'm so hurt.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 4:09 PM
I guess you're gonna tell us that we don't have any choice in the matter?
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/15/2022 4:09 PM
I wasn't planning on doing so, no. :(((((
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 4:12 PM
Then what are you planning?
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/15/2022 4:14 PM
Rather, I was suggesting you move on. this was simply practice, and.. well. these individuals are unlikely to face mass repercussions. I will see to it personally. It's time you set your sights on some more difficult targets.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 4:14 PM
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/15/2022 4:17 PM
exposing some more horrendous sorts, of course. it's easier to fabricate, and spread misinformation. you see it all the time, among the human media, the police.... Well. Do you have what it takes to truly shine a light on those, truly at fault~?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 4:18 PM
Truly? How do I know this isn't you making shit up again?
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/15/2022 4:22 PM
Hmmm~ .. what would you like in return for your confidence?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 4:24 PM
I... I don't know...
4:25 PM
What could you even offer me, anyway? You're already holding me and my loved ones hostage.
Emily eats TWO lemons 12/15/2022 4:28 PM
then how can I reassure you i'm not lying this time? :((((
4:28 PM
I'm not so certain I even can~...
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 4:34 PM
Let me think on it
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/15/2022 6:22 PM
Apologies, I had some conferences to attend to. I have caught up on everything transpiring. Perhaps I will make my own excursion to keep an eye on things.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 7:36 PM
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 12/15/2022 7:38 PM
Have no fear, I will refrain from directly involving myself. Consider it a scouting mission, a learning opportunity.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 12/15/2022 7:40 PM
Yeah, might be a good idea.
Emily eats TWO lemons 1/26/2023 7:26 PM
I must congratulate you both on your stellar performances~
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 1/26/2023 7:37 PM
Yes, well I must say I would have preferred to know a bit more about the motive behind this particular operation beforehand. It was not at all what I expected.
Emily eats TWO lemons 1/26/2023 7:38 PM
oh, come now. everyone came out mostly unscathed.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 1/26/2023 7:43 PM
Even so, having to witness such terror, as well as physically harming my cohort is not something I would consider myself willing to volunteer for.
Emily eats TWO lemons 1/26/2023 7:44 PM
When it comes to achieving one's desires...One must endure hardship like any other. It will all be worth it, to bring her back to you, no...?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 1/26/2023 8:00 PM
With all due respect, I will decide for myself what is worth it and what is not.
Emily eats TWO lemons 1/26/2023 8:04 PM
Very well.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 1/27/2023 3:56 PM
... I guess you've made your point on things. I won't step out of line again.
Emily eats TWO lemons 1/27/2023 5:20 PM
I'm glad you understand.
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